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How To Make Your Ads Explode In Sales (Without Using TNT)

Oct 6, 2024

2 min read




Have you ever heard of ‘Occam’s razor?’

The principle states that the simplest explanation is usually the best. In advertising, simplicity leads to more sales. 

However, the number of ads that unintentionally confuse potential customers is enormous. 

Think about the last time you saw an ad like this:

  • “Special 20% discount”

  • “Get in touch today” 

  • “Visit us at <location> and get X for only $Y”

Everything is crammed into one ad with no clear direction. And what does a confused customer do?

The worst thing imaginable: nothing.

Why Simplicity Wins Every Time

Humans are excellent at following simple instructions. When things get complicated, they mess it up or completely ignore it.

Here’s an example from a mentor of mine—a successful business owner. He was hiring for a critical position and included precise instructions in his job ad:

“Do NOT send a letter or an email at that address, and do NOT call this number. Send a letter by registered mail to this address only.

It should arrive between Tuesday and Thursday—not on any other day of the week.

Mention this specific word in your letter, and address it to these specific people.”

Can you guess what happened?

More than half of the applicants screwed up. They:

• Sent it on the wrong day.

• Forgot to register the mail.

• Didn’t include the required words.

When you complicate things, people are dead! The same goes for advertising.

How To Exterminate Unperforming Ads For Good

Each marketing step should have ONE clear objective.

For ads, the main goal is to get people to interact.

So, your Call-to-Action (CTA) needs to be crystal clear. Otherwise, you’ll lose your audience.

Avoid Confusing CTAs Like These:

“Click here or call/text/come to our location to benefit from this offer.”

Three options in one sentence. People freeze.

Instead, try something like this:

• “Click here to schedule a call.”

• “Fill out this form to get a free quote.”

• “Text us at [phone number].”

For local businesses, you could say:

“Visit us at [location].”

See the difference? By giving your audience only one thing to focus on, you’re guiding them to take action.

Simplify Your Marketing Steps For Maximum Impact

Here’s a breakdown of a successful marketing process:

1. Ad: Capture attention and get a response.

2. Response Handling: Set up a sales call.

3. Sales Call: Close the deal.

4. Post-Sale: Ensure customer satisfaction and get referrals.

Focus on one thing at a time. Keep it simple for your audience—and for yourself.

You’ll see far better results every time.

Talk soon,


P.S. Want to know how to create ads that skyrocket interactions? Contact my agency today, and if we’re a good fit, I’ll personally take a look at your marketing. 

No cost, no obligation, no annoying sales pitch.

Oct 6, 2024

2 min read





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